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Base class for all lights.


Inherits :

Inherited By : DzDistantLight and DzShaderLight




Detailed Description

TODO: Add detailed description.


: ShadowType

The type of shadowing to use for the light.

  • None - The light does not utilize shadows.
  • DeepShadowMap - The light utilizes a Deep Shadow Map (DSM).
  • Raytraced - The light utilizes ray-traced shadows.


Array : getCategories()

Return Value:

  • A list of [trimmed] categories on this light.



DzStringProperty : getCategoriesControl()

Return Value:

  • The property that holds the categories for this light.



Color : getDiffuseColor()

Return Value:

  • The current diffuse light color, including adjustment for intensity.

ShadowType : getShadowType()

Return Value:

  • The enumerated value indicating the type of shadow utilized by the light.

DzEnumProperty : getShadowTypeControl()

Return Value:

  • The property used to indicate the type of shadow utilized by the light.

DzVec3 : getWSDirection()

Calculates the direction that light is being cast from this light.

Only valid for directional light sources.

Return Value:

  • The current world-space light-casting direction vector.

Boolean : isAreaLight()

Return Value:

  • true if this is an area light source, otherwise false. If true, the light source center will be given by the position of the light. Additional light geometry will be defined in the derived classes.

Boolean : isDirectional()

Indicates if this light is an infinite directional light.

Directional lights do not have a position per se. They are assumed to lie at infinity and cast parallel rays of light into the scene.

Return Value:

  • true if this light is directional, otherwise (e.g., omni-directional) false.

Boolean : isOn()

Return Value:

  • true if this light is currently on, otherwise false.


void : categoriesChanged()


Emitted when the categories that a light is in changes.