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An animatable integer property with 2 values.


Inherits :


DAZ Script
DzInt2Property ()
DzInt2Property ( String name, Boolean canAnimate, Boolean isUserProperty, DzInt2 defaultVal )
DzInt2Property ( String name, Boolean canAnimate, Boolean isUserProperty )


Detailed Description

This class provides an animatable integer property with 2 values that is stored and can be accessed as a DzInt2.





Default Constructor. Creates a non-animatable, non-user property.

DzInt2Property( String name, Boolean canAnimate, Boolean isUserProperty, DzInt2 defaultVal )


  • name - The name of this property.
  • canAnimate - If true, creates an animatable property.
  • isUserProperty - If true, creates a user property; user properties are properties that can be added/deleted by users.
  • defaultVal - Sets the default value of this property.

DzInt2Property( String name, Boolean canAnimate, Boolean isUserProperty )


  • name - The name of this property.
  • canAnimate - If true, creates an animatable property.
  • isUserProperty - If true, creates a user property; user properties are properties that can be added/deleted by users.


DzInt2 : adjustInt2Value( DzInt2 val )

Adjust the value of the property based on the contribution of property controllers.


  • val - The 'final' value desired for the property.

Return Value:

  • A 'raw' value for the property that will result in the property having the given value with the current controllers.

DzInt2 : adjustInt2Value( DzTime tm, DzInt2 val )

Adjust the value of the property at the given time based on the contribution of property controllers.


  • tm - The scene time at which to adjust the value.
  • val - The 'final' value desired for the property.

Return Value:

  • A 'raw' value for the property that will result in the property having the given value with the current controllers.

DzInt2 : getDefaultInt2Value()

Return Value:

  • The default value of the property.

DzInt2 : getInt2FollowValue()

Return Value:

  • The difference between the current value of the follow property and its default value at the current time. If no auto-follow property is set, or auto-follow is not enabled for this property, then this method returns 0.

DzInt2 : getInt2FollowValue( DzTime tm )


  • tm - The scene time for which to get the value.

Return Value:

  • The difference between the current value of the follow property and this properties default value tm. If no auto-follow property is set, or auto-follow is not enabled for this property, then this method returns 0.

DzInt2 : getInt2Value()

Return Value:

  • The value of the property at the current time.

DzInt2 : getInt2Value( DzTime tm )


  • tm - The scene time to get the value for.

Return Value:

  • The value of the property at the given time.

DzInt2 : getKeyInt2Value( Number i )


  • index - The index of the key to get the value for.

Return Value:

  • The value of the i'th key in the property.

DzInt2 : getLocalInt2Value()

This function is provided for the special case of ERC link redirection; sometimes called 'cross-talk'. For example, if Figure A (a piece of clothing, for example) is 'Fit To' Figure B, the ERC links on Figure A are redirected to follow channels on Figure B; this is how morphs on an item of clothing will follow morphs on the figure, etc. This function will provide the value of the property ignoring any redirection of ERC links. So, for a figure that is not 'Fit To' another figure, this will return the same value as getValue(). For a figure that is 'Fit To' another figure, this will return the value that the property would have if the ERC link had not been redirected.

Return Value:

  • The value of the property at the current time without any ERC link redirection.

DzInt2 : getLocalInt2Value( DzTime tm )

This function is provided for the special case of ERC link redirection; sometimes called 'cross-talk'. For example, if Figure A (a piece of clothing, for example) is 'Fit To' Figure B, the ERC links on Figure A are redirected to follow channels on Figure B; this is how morphs on an item of clothing will follow morphs on the figure, etc. This function will provide the value of the property ignoring any redirection of ERC links. So, for a figure that is not 'Fit To' another figure, this will return the same value as getValue(). For a figure that is 'Fit To' another figure, this will return the value that the property would have if the ERC link had not been redirected.


  • tm - The scene time to get the local value for.

Return Value:

  • The value of the property at the given time without any ERC link redirection.

DzInt2 : getRawInt2Value( DzTime tm )

This function is provided to make it easy to get the 'keyed' value of the property without any modifications. When the value of a property is evaluated, first the value based on key interpolation is calculated, that value is then passed to each of the controllers on the property (ERC links for example) which can modify that value. This modified value is then returned as the value of the property by getInt2Value(). This function returns the value of the property before the application of the controllers; strictly the result of key interpolation.


  • tm - The scene time to get the raw value for.

Return Value:

  • The 'raw' value of the property at the given time - this is the actual value of the property without the contribution of property links, etc.

DzInt2 : getRawInt2Value()

This function is provided to make it easy to get the 'keyed' value of the property without any modifications. When the value of a property is evaluated, first the value based on key interpolation is calculated, that value is then passed to each of the controllers on the property (ERC links for example) which can modify that value. This modified value is then returned as the value of the property by getInt2Value(). This function returns the value of the property before the application of the controllers; strictly the result of key interpolation.

Return Value:

  • The 'raw' value of the property at the current time; this is the actual value of the property without the contribution of property links, etc.

void : setDefaultInt2Value( DzInt2 val )

Sets the default value for this property.


  • val - The value to set the property to.

void : setInt2Value( DzInt2 val )

Sets the value for this property at the current time; or the default value if this property is not animatable.


  • val - The value to set.

void : setInt2Value( DzTime tm, DzInt2 val )

Sets the value for this property at the given time; or the default value if this property is not animatable.


  • tm - The scene time to set the value at.
  • val - The value to set.

void : setKeyInt2Value( Number i, DzInt2 val )

Sets the value of the i'th key.


  • i - The index of the key to change.
  • val - The new value for the key.


  • You are responsible to ensure the key indices are within the valid range.

void : setRawInt2Value( DzInt2 val )

The same as calling setInt2Value( DzInt2 ).

void : setRawInt2Value( DzTime tm, DzInt2 val )

The same as calling setInt2Value( DzTime, DzInt2 ).