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Daz Studio Bridge

The Daz Studio Hexagon Bridge provides a way to bring figures, hair, clothing, and props into Hexagon via Daz Studio, modify the item using the tools and paint features of Hexagon, then bring the changes into Daz Studio and apply them to the selected item.

The created morph target is applied to the root figure and can be left as is or a morph target just for the affected body part can be spawned and imported back on to the body part. See the section on spawning morph targets in the main Daz Studio documentation.


Bridge Guidelines

When using the Hexagon Bridge, keep the following in mind:

  • Make sure that you have manually launched Hexagon and Daz Studio at least once before using the bridge. This records the location of each program so that they can launch each other as needed.
  • Materials must be in shading domains to go over.
  • By default the bridge will not let you overwrite an existing morph on a figure, however this can be over written by checking the Override Existing Morph check box on the Action dialog that appears.
  • No world translation, rotations, or scaling are sent over, in either direction (figures/props in Hexagon will look as if they had had been zero posed in Daz Studio). Applied morphs however are sent from Daz Studio to Hexagon. If a scale, rotation, or translation is desired, then these actions must be done in Hexagon using face, edge, or vertex selection.
  • Changing geometry in Hexagon will make it so that a morph cannot be created. The object can still be sent to Daz Studio but it will be imported as a prop. Geometry is changed when faces/edges/vertices are added to or removed from the sent over geometry.
  • The bridge relies on the names of objects to be the same. The object in Hexagon that will be the morph in Daz Studio must have the exact same name as the object in Daz Studio. Daz Studio will apply it to the first figure/object it finds in the scene with the sent over name. If no object matches name, the object will be brought over as a prop.
  • It doesn’t matter which application is started first; the bridge will send geometry in either direction.
  • The scale from Hexagon to Daz Studio is 10:1, 1 unit in Hexagon = 10 cm and 1 unit in Daz Studio is 1 cm.
  • If an operation in Hexagon changes an objects name, then the user must change the name back if they wish to have it applied as a morph.
  • When Send to Hexagon is pressed in Daz Studio, all selected props, figures, and their children will be sent over. Selecting a bone of a figure is considered the same as selecting the figure. Children are defined as any object fit to or parented to the selected object or prop.
  • When Send to Daz Studio is pressed in Hexagon, all selected objects in Hexagon are sent over. Daz Studio will use the name of these objects to decide if it should try to apply the changes as a morph or if it should just bring it in as a prop. Props always copy their Hexagon materials. Users are asked if they wish to copy materials for objects that become morphs.
  • Currently all morphs are applied and sent over as full body morphs.
  • The bridge does not change rigging, it only allows morphs. Objects morphed beyond their rigs look very weird when posed.
  • When objects are sent to Hexagon the textures are temporarily copied. These copies are made permanent if they are changed and the user sends the object back to Hexagon. They will be saved in the directory they originally came from with an affixed number to avoid overwriting existing files. Textures created by Hexagon and not sent from Daz Studio, must be saved normally in Hexagon.
  • Objects can be sent to Hexagon, exported, modified by another program, then re-imported into Hexagon and sent over to Daz Studio. This would be the most viable way to create a morph on a welded figure morph. The only caveat is that all programs must maintain the vertex count and order.
  • Props created in Hexagon and sent to Daz Studio will have their Studio orientation based on the Hexagon Universe.