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Content Directory Manager (WIP)

This page is a WIP. There are likely to be incomplete and or missing steps while the page is being built.


Process Overview


Step By Step

Configure Preferences in DAZ Studio

When done correctly, you only need to configure preferences once. You won't have to configure it or 'search' every time you install content. In fact, it is recommended that you not use the search function in FOLDER VIEW. More information will be given about this later on in this article.

Configuration tells DAZ Studio where to look for the content. You can potentially configure Studio to look at a dozen different places. However, for new users, we recommend keeping the configuration as simple as possible.

The key idea is that the install path and the configuration paths should match up exactly. So, if your content install path is C:\users\[your user account]\My Documents\DAZ 3D\DAZStudio3\content, then your configuration path in preferences –> Directories in Studio will also be exactly the same, that is, C:\users\[your user account]\My Documents\DAZ 3D\DAZStudio3\content. It's that simple.

Here's how to configure the paths for content in the Content Directory Manager.

On the PC, in DAZ Studio, go to EDIT –> Preferences –> Content Library –> Content Directory Manager.

On the Mac, Go to DAZStudio –> Preferences –> Content Library –> Content Directory Manager.

You can also open Content Directory Manager on both the Mac and the PC by going to the Content Library Tab (VIEW –> Tabs –> Content Library). Click on the 'Active Tab Options' button in the upper left to open the menu. In the menu, click Content Directory Manger.

Mac: How to Open Preferences –> Content Library in DAZ Studio


There are three kinds of content that DAZ Studio can be configured to display in the content tab: DAZ Studio Format (Native), Poser Format (Import), and Other. The drop-down allows you to toggle between the three types. All three can be active in the content tab at the same time. Merely changing from one to the other in the Directories window is for your convenience when configuring and doesn't cause one to have priority over the other.

Make sure your install path is indicated for both DAZ Studio and POSER Formats. That's the most important thing. By default DAZ Studio will have some paths for the shader options. You should leave these if you do not want to use this feature at this time. You can always add the paths later.

NOTE: Adding or removing a path in directories does not actually add or remove it from your hard drive.

TIP: Each path you have in directories creates a new top-level folder in the content tab. If you have invalid paths, then you'll have invalid folders in the content tab. This clutter will make finding content much more difficult and frustrating. Remove invalid paths. Keep it simple.

TIP: Any path that ends in 'Runtime' is inherently invalid. Remove all paths that end in 'Runtime' as they will not work correctly.

When you're done configuring the directories, click on 'Accept' below. DAZ Studio will keep your settings and change the folders in the Content Tab in accordance with those changes.

Content Tab

The Content Tab is essential for loading and using content in DAZ Studio. If you're familiar with Poser, the Content Tab is analogous to the Library Panel.

By default, the content tab will be on the right side of DAZ Studio if you are using the default interface. If you don't see it, you can open it by going to WINDOW –> Tabs –> Content Library.

TIP: New users are strongly advised to have the content tab in VIEW FOLDERS as TREE. Use the Active Tab Options button to make the change as shown below:

TIP: If you have the content tab set to FOLDER VIEW, Don't use the search for content feature. This function in practice adds many invalid paths and will cause much more trouble than help. This article explains how to configure your content correctly and makes the search for content feature unnecessary. This tip does not apply to the search function for the content tab when it is in CATEGORY VIEW which requires the search function.

Search for Content Feature: Just say no

How to Import Old Content Settings

It's very easy in DAZ Studio 4 to import your old content settings from DAZ Studio 3. To do this, go to the Content Tab. Click on the Active Tab Options Button. In the menu, click on Import Mapped Directories…

Step 1


Step 2

