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ERC Freeze


Below is an example demonstrating how you can 'freeze' (link) the current state of numeric properties on a node (or multiple nodes) to a controller property so that adjusting the controller property adjusts the linked properties in kind. The DzERCLink created between the “frozen' properties and the controller are setup such that when the controller is set to the value it is at when the 'freeze' is performed, the 'frozen' properties are at the respective values they were at that moment in time.

API Areas of Interest


// Define an anonymous function;
// serves as our main loop,
// limits the scope of variables
(function( oNode ){
	// String : A function for retrieving a translation if one exists
	function text( sText )
		// If the version of the application supports qsTr()
		if( typeof( qsTr ) != "undefined" ){
			// Return the translated (if any) text
			return qsTr( sText );
		// Return the original text
		return sText;
	// If the application is less than
	if( App.version64 < 0x000400090003005f ){
		// Define message components
		var sTitle = text("Resource Error");
		var sMessage = text("This script requires version or newer.");
		var sOk = text("&OK");
		// Inform the user
		MessageBox.information( sMessage, sTitle, sOk );
		// We're done...
	// Initialize
	var oSkeleton = undefined;
	// If we have a bone
	if( oNode.inherits( "DzBone" ) ){
		// Get its skeleton
		oSkeleton = oNode.getSkeleton();
	// If we have a skeleton
	} else if( oNode.inherits( "DzSkeleton" ) ){
		// That is what we're looking for
		oSkeleton = oNode;
	// Define a controller; prefer a skeleton
	var oControllerNode = (oSkeleton ? oSkeleton : oNode);
	// Let the user know we're busy
	// Declare a property group path
	var sPropertyGroup = "/ERC Freeze Test";
	// Create and setup a controller property
	var oControllerProperty = new DzFloatProperty( "ERC_Freeze_Controller", false, true );
	oControllerProperty.setLabel( "ERC Freeze Controller" );
	oControllerProperty.setPath( sPropertyGroup );
	oControllerProperty.setMinMax( -1, 1 );
	oControllerProperty.setIsClamped( true );
	oControllerNode.addProperty( oControllerProperty );
	// Create and setup an attenuation property
	var oAttenuateProperty = new DzFloatProperty( "ERC_Freeze_Attenuate", false, true );
	oAttenuateProperty.setLabel( "ERC Freeze Attenuate" );
	oAttenuateProperty.setPath( sPropertyGroup );
	oAttenuateProperty.setMinMax( -1, 1 );
	oAttenuateProperty.setIsClamped( true );
	oControllerNode.addProperty( oAttenuateProperty );
	// Create the ERC Freeze utility
	var oFreezer = new DzERCFreeze();
	// Set the controller node
	oFreezer.setControllerNode( oControllerNode );
	// Set the controller property
	oFreezer.setControllerProperty( oControllerProperty );
	// Set the type of attentuation
	oFreezer.setAttenuateMode( DzERCFreeze.SubComponents );
	// Set the attentuation property
	oFreezer.setAttenuateProperty( oAttenuateProperty );
	// Declare working variable
	var oCurNode;
	// Build the list of nodes with properties to freeze
	var aNodes = (oSkeleton ? [ oSkeleton ].concat( oSkeleton.getAllBones() ) : [oNode] );
	// Iterate over the nodes
	for( var i = 0, n = aNodes.length; i < n; i += 1 ){
		// Get the 'current' node
		oCurNode = aNodes[ i ];
		// Add the node's properties
		oFreezer.addPropertiesToFreeze( oCurNode );
	// We're not using animated links
	oFreezer.setKeyed( false );
	// Restore the figure when the freeze is complete
	oFreezer.setRestoreFigure( true );
	// Restore the rigging when the freeze is complete
	oFreezer.setRestoreRigging( true );
	// Apply the controller property when the freeze is complete
	oFreezer.setApplyController( true );
	// Begin collecting undo-able operations
	// If the freeze is successful
	if( oFreezer.doFreeze() ){
		// Create the undo item
		UndoStack.accept( text("ERC Freeze") );
	// If the freeze fails
	} else {
		// Cancel the undo item
	// Let the user know we're done
// Finalize the function and invoke
})( Scene.getPrimarySelection() );