Below is an example demonstrating how you can convert ascii scripts (*.dsa) to their binary (*.dsb) or encrypted (*.dse) counterpart, via script.
// Define an anonymous function; // serves as our main loop, // limits the scope of variables (function(){ // Get keyboard modifier state var s_bShiftPressed = App.modifierKeyState() & 0x02000000; var s_bControlPressed = App.modifierKeyState() & 0x04000000; var s_bAltPressed = App.modifierKeyState() & 0x08000000; var s_bMetaPressed = App.modifierKeyState() & 0x10000000; /*********************************************************************/ // String : A function for retrieving a translation if one exists function text( sText ) { // If the version of the application supports qsTr() if( typeof( qsTr ) != "undefined" ){ // Return the translated (if any) text return qsTr( sText ); } // Return the original text return sText; }; /*********************************************************************/ // Declare path variables var sSrcPath, sDestPath; // If the user had the shift key pressed when the script was executed if( s_bShiftPressed ){ // Prompt the user for a directory to batch process sSrcPath = FileDialog.doDirectoryDialog( text( "Select a Directory" ) ); // If the shift key was not pressed } else { // Prompt the user for an ascii script sSrcPath = FileDialog.doFileDialog( true, text( "Select the source file" ), "", "DAZ Script Ascii (*.dsa)" ); } // If the user did not cancel if( sSrcPath ){ // Create a file info object for the source script(s) var oFileInfo = new DzFileInfo( sSrcPath ); // Create a directory object for the source script(s) var oDir = new DzDir( s_bShiftPressed ? sSrcPath : oFileInfo.path() ); // Create a new script object var oScript = new DzScript(); // Create an array to hold source file short names var aScripts = []; // Get the basename of the file var sShortName = String("%1.dsa").arg( oFileInfo.baseName() ); // Clean up delete oFileInfo; oFileInfo = undefined; // If we are batch processing, get a list of all ascii scripts, otherwise just add the file aScripts = s_bShiftPressed ? oDir.entryList( "*.dsa", oDir.Files ) : [ sShortName ]; // While there are source files to be converted while( aScripts.length ){ // Let the user know we are busy setBusyCursor(); // Make sure we are working with a new script oScript.clear(); // Get the short filename sShortName = aScripts.pop(); // Create a file info object oFileInfo = new DzFileInfo( sShortName ); // Construct the source file path sSrcPath = String("%1/%2").arg( oDir.absPath() ).arg( sShortName ); // Construct the destination file path; // if the user was holding the control key when the script was executed, // use the encrypted extension, otherwise use the binary extension sDestPath = String( "%1/%2.%3" ) .arg( oDir.absPath() ) .arg( oFileInfo.baseName() ) .arg( s_bControlPressed ? "dse" : "dsb" ); // Define common strings var sInformation = text( "Information" ); var sWarning = text( "Warning" ); var sButton = text( "&OK" ); // If an error occurs when loading the chosen file into the script object if( !oScript.loadFromFile( sSrcPath ) ){ // Let the user know we are done clearBusyCursor(); // Warn the user MessageBox.warning( text( "An error occured while reading the file:\n%1" ) .arg( sSrcPath ), sWarning, sButton, "" ); // Next!! continue; // If no errors occur } else { // If the script syntax is flawed if( !oScript.checkSyntax() ){ // Let the user know we are done clearBusyCursor(); // Warn the user MessageBox.warning( text( "The syntax of the source file is invalid:\n%1" ) .arg( sSrcPath ), sWarning, sButton, "" ); // Next!! continue; } // If the application version is or newer if( App.version64 >= 0x0004000b00000082 ){ // Save the file; // if the user was holding the control key when the script was executed, // write the encrypted script, otherwise write a binary script and // record if there are any errors nWriteErr = oScript.saveFile( sDestPath, s_bControlPressed ? DzScript.EncDAZScriptFile : DzScript.DAZScriptFile ); // If the application version is older than } else { // Save the file, using the deprecated API; // if the user was holding the control key when the script was executed, // write the encrypted script, otherwise write a binary script and // record if there are any errors nWriteErr = oScript.saveToFile( sDestPath, s_bControlPressed ? DzScript.EncDAZScriptFile : DzScript.DAZScriptFile ); } // Let the user know we are done clearBusyCursor(); // If there were no errors writing the file if( nWriteErr == 0x00000000 ){ // Inform the user MessageBox.information( text( "Saved %1 script:\n%2" ) .arg( s_bControlPressed ? "encrypted" : "binary" ) .arg( sDestPath ), sInformation, sButton ); // If an error occurs } else { // Warn the user MessageBox.warning( text( "An error occured while trying to save:\n%1" ) .arg( sDestPath ), sWarning, sButton, "" ); } } // If we are batch processing if( s_bShiftPressed ){ // Next!! continue; } } } // Finalize the function and invoke })();