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Action Trigger


Below is an example demonstrating how you can find an action using its class name and then trigger its execution, via script.

API Areas of Interest


// Define an anonymous function;
// serves as our main loop,
// limits the scope of variables
	// String : A function for retrieving a translation if one exists
	function text( sText )
		// If the version of the application supports qsTr()
		if( typeof( qsTr ) != "undefined" ){
			// Return the translated (if any) text
			return qsTr( sText );
		// Return the original text
		return sText;
	// Boolean : A function for testing whether or not a QObject instance
	// inherits one of a list of types
	function inheritsType( oObject, aTypeNames )
		// If the object does not define the 'inherits' function
		if( !oObject || typeof( oObject.inherits ) != "function" ){
			// We are done... it is not a QObject
			return false;
		// Iterate over the list of type names
		for( var i = 0, nTypes = aTypeNames.length; i < nTypes; i += 1 ){
			// If the object does not inherit the 'current' type
			if( !oObject.inherits( aTypeNames[i] ) ){
				// Next!!
			// Return the result
			return true;
		// Return the result
		return false;
	// String : A function for triggering an action
	function triggerAction( sClassName, oSettings )
		// Get the action manager
		var oActionMgr = MainWindow.getActionMgr();
		// If we do not have an action manager
		if( !oActionMgr ){
			// We are done...
		// Find the action we want
		var oAction = oActionMgr.findAction( sClassName );
		// If the action was not found
		if( !oAction ){
			// Inform the user...
				text( "The \"%1\" action could not be found." ).arg( sClassName ),
				text( "Resource Error" ), text( "&OK" ), "" );
			// We are done...
		// If the action is disabled
		if( !oAction.enabled ){
			// Inform the user...
				text( "The \"%1\" action is currently disabled." ).arg( oAction.text ),
				text( "Resource Error" ), text( "&OK" ), "" );
			// We are done...
		// If we have the necessary function ( and we have settings
		if( typeof( oAction.triggerWithSettings ) == "function" && oSettings ){
			// Trigger execution of the action with the settings
			oAction.triggerWithSettings( oSettings );
		} else {
			// Trigger execution of the action
	// Get the primary selection
	var oNode = Scene.getPrimarySelection();
	// If we do not have a node selected
	if( !oNode ){
		// Inform the user...
			text( "This script requires an object in the scene to be selected." ),
			text( "Selection Error" ), text( "&OK" ), "" );
		// We are done...
	// Define the classname of the action we want to invoke the execution of
	var sAction = "DzRestoreShapeAction";
	// If the selected node is a skeleton or a bone
	if( inheritsType( oNode, ["DzSkeleton", "DzBone"] ) ){
		// Update the classname accordingly
		sAction = "DzRestoreFigureShapeAction";
	// Trigger the action
	triggerAction( sAction );
// Finalize the function and invoke

Example (With Settings)

Here is the variant of the sample above that triggers an action with settings to control the behavior of the action.

// Define an anonymous function;
// serves as our main loop,
// limits the scope of variables
	// String : A function for retrieving a translation if one exists
	function text( sText )
		// If the version of the application supports qsTr()
		if( typeof( qsTr ) != "undefined" ){
			// Return the translated (if any) text
			return qsTr( sText );
		// Return the original text
		return sText;
	// Boolean : A function for testing whether or not a QObject instance
	// inherits one of a list of types
	function inheritsType( oObject, aTypeNames )
		// If the object does not define the 'inherits' function
		if( !oObject || typeof( oObject.inherits ) != "function" ){
			// We are done... it is not a QObject
			return false;
		// Iterate over the list of type names
		for( var i = 0, nTypes = aTypeNames.length; i < nTypes; i += 1 ){
			// If the object does not inherit the 'current' type
			if( !oObject.inherits( aTypeNames[i] ) ){
				// Next!!
			// Return the result
			return true;
		// Return the result
		return false;
	// String : A function for triggering an action
	function triggerAction( sClassName, oSettings )
		// Get the action manager
		var oActionMgr = MainWindow.getActionMgr();
		// If we do not have an action manager
		if( !oActionMgr ){
			// We are done...
		// Find the action we want
		var oAction = oActionMgr.findAction( sClassName );
		// If the action was not found
		if( !oAction ){
			// Inform the user...
				text( "The \"%1\" action could not be found." ).arg( sClassName ),
				text( "Resource Error" ), text( "&OK" ), "" );
			// We are done...
		// If the action is disabled
		if( !oAction.enabled ){
			// Inform the user...
				text( "The \"%1\" action is currently disabled." ).arg( oAction.text ),
				text( "Resource Error" ), text( "&OK" ), "" );
			// We are done...
		// If we have the necessary function ( and we have settings
		if( typeof( oAction.triggerWithSettings ) == "function" && oSettings ){
			// Trigger execution of the action with the settings
			oAction.triggerWithSettings( oSettings );
		} else {
			// Trigger execution of the action
	// Get the primary selection
	var oNode = Scene.getPrimarySelection();
	// If we do not have a node selected
	if( !oNode ){
		// Inform the user...
			text( "This script requires an object in the scene to be selected." ),
			text( "Selection Error" ), text( "&OK" ), "" );
		// We are done...
	// Define the classname of the action we want to invoke the execution of
	var sAction = "DzZeroPoseAction"; //DzZeroShapeAction, DzZeroSelectedItemsAction
	// If the selected node is a skeleton or a bone
	if( inheritsType( oNode, ["DzSkeleton", "DzBone"] ) ){
		// Update the classname accordingly
		sAction = "DzZeroFigurePoseAction"; //DzZeroFigureShapeAction
	// Trigger the action
	// RunSilent settings only supported for DzZero*Action since
	triggerAction( sAction, { "RunSilent" : true } );
// Finalize the function and invoke