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Implements a weight-mapped mesh binding.


Inherits :



Static Methods



Detailed Description

Provides access to and manages weight-maps associated with mesh binding.

Implements industry standard weight-mapped mesh binding techniques, such as Linear Blending Skinning (LBS) and Dual Quaternion Skinning (DQS), as well as a proprietary technique referred to as “TriAx”. (see BindingMode)

This class is not intended to be constructed directly, rather it is created automatically by DzFigure. Create (or retrieve) an instance of DzFigure populated with a DzFacetMesh derived geometry and request its skin-binding via DzFigure::getSkinBinding(), or use one of the convenience function: findSkin(), findSkinFromNode(), findSkinFromObject().

See Also:


: BindingMode

Enumerated options for weight-mapped mesh binding techniques.

  • General - Industry standard weight-mapped mesh binding techniques, where the binding is applied “globally” using a single map for all rotations of a bone (joint). See Also: GeneralMapMode
  • Local - A proprietary weight-mapped mesh binding technique referred to as “TriAx”, where the binding is applied “locally” to each axis of rotation separately. This technique also supports additional maps that serve to address the loss of volume when a bone (joint) is rotated.
  • Blended - Blended between two discrete mesh binding techniques. See Also: BlendMode


: BlendMode

Enumerated modes for blending two discrete mesh binding techniques.


  • BlendLocalGeneral - Blend between “TriAx” (local) and one of the industry standard binding techniques. See Also: Local
  • BlendLinearDualQuat - Blend between two of the industry standard binding techniques. See Also: Linear


: GeneralMapMode

Enumerated industry standard mesh binding techniques.

  • Linear - Linear Blending Skinning (LBS) - a popular mesh binding technique that transforms vertices of a mesh by linearly blending bone (joint) transforms.
  • DualQuat - Dual Quaternion Skinning (DQS) - an advanced mesh binding technique that avoids the undesirable “candy-wrapper effect” (loss of volume) and simulates volume preservation.


: NormalizeType

Enumerated options for which maps to normalize.

  • NormalizeNone - No maps are normalized.
  • NormalizeX - Only X-axis rotation maps are normalized.
  • NormalizeY - Only Y-axis rotation maps are normalized.
  • NormalizeZ - Only Z-axis rotation maps are normalized.
  • NormalizeGeneral - Only the general maps are normalized.
  • NormalizeScale - Only the scale maps are normalized.
  • NormalizeWeight - All maps except the scale maps are normalized.
  • NormalizeAll - All maps are normalized.


: PriorityType

Enumerated priority options for weight normalization.

  • RootLowest - Weight map priority (i.e., order) is established such that the deeper in the hierarchy the associated bone is, the greater the priority to preserve its values during the normalization process it is given - i.e. the values of weight maps associated with bones closer to the root are more likely to change.
  • RootHighest - Weight map priority (i.e., order) is established such that the shallower in the hierarchy the associated bone is, the greater the priority to preserve its values during the normalization process it is given - i.e. the values of weight maps associated with bones further from the root are more likely to change.


: ScaleMode

Enumerated scaling modes.

  • ScaleMaps - Use discrete scaling maps, independent of the binding mode.
  • BindingMaps - Use maps of the binding mode for scaling. See Also: BindingMode


DzAuthor : assetAuthor

Holds the author of the file for this skin binding. (Read Only)



DzVersion : assetFileRevision

Holds the revision version of the asset file for this skin binding. (Read Only)



String : assetId

Holds the asset id for this skin binding.



Date : assetModifiedDate

Holds the modified date of the asset file for this skin binding. (Read Only)



Boolean : assetNeedSave

Holds whether or not the asset for this skin binding needs to be saved. (Read Only)



DzUri : assetSource

Holds the URI of the asset source for this skin binding; only valid when the asset is in an embedded state - i.e. modified. (Read Only)



DzUri : assetUri

Holds the asset URI for this skin binding. (Read Only)



Static Methods

