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MR-Pix Royalty-Free IRON WORKS

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Product Name: MR-Pix Royalty-Free IRON WORKS
Product ID: 19893
Published Artist(s): Winterbrose
Created By: N/A
Release Date: 2014-09-11

Product Information

  • Required Products: None

This collection of real-world digital photographic images consists of fifty (50) unique grates, grills and covers. All images can be used as a Merchant Resource to create your own derivative works, and all images include a royalty-free license allowing you to use them without modification in any of your commercial or personal projects.

These images are a great resource for illustrations in documentation; printed flyers and newsletters; reference images for modeling; inspiration for artistic creations; source material for DAZ textures and much more.

These images are a great resource for creating steampunk textures or decay & grunge textures…

Product Notes

Installation Packages

Below is a list of the installation package types provided by this product. The name of each package contains a Package Qualifier, which is used as a key to indicate something about the contents of that package.

  • 1 Core

[ ] = Optional, depending on target application(s)

Not all installation packages provide files that are displayed to the user within the interface of an application. The packages listed below, do. The application(s), and the location(s) within each application, are shown below.

Additional Details

Resolved Issues

  • None

Known Issues

  • None


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